Cloth with Kiana — Cloth Diapering

So you’re curious about cloth diapers.

You’ve heard you can save a lot of money — tempting in today’s economy — and you’ve seen more adorable prints than you thought possible. If you’re starting anything like I did, you thought the cloth diapers on Amazon or a select few popular brands were it, and then you did a little more digging and found out there’s a whole multi-faceted WORLD of cloth diapers.

And now your head might be spinning because of the information overload.

My name is Kiana and I’m here to help you process all that information. I’ve been in the cloth diapering game for two years now and while I’m not an expert, I love cloth diapers and helping others love them, too! My goal with this blog is to provide you with support, advice, and encouragement for everything from wash routines to using different types of diapers to safe creams and more.

Let's start by glancing at some reasons people in this community use cloth diapers:

Incredible! There are so many sensible reasons to use cloth diapers. That's not to say it's a 100% commitment, though— many people use disposable diapers in conjunction either due to cost, availability, personal schedules, or just trying cloth out! I like to use disposables when my family goes out for errands and for nighttime most of the time. 
While there is debate on whether cloth diapers are actually more financially feasible and how they have less of an impact on the environment, these seem to be the two biggest motives I've observed in the cloth community. I plan to go more in-depth on these topics in a future post, as there is some nuance and great points to be explored.

Here at Cloth Joy, my fellow guides and I — as well as the owners! — want to build a supportive community by emphasizing education and helping people find what cloth diapering systems fit their little(s) the best, even if it's not something Cloth Joy offers. You can also find the owner, myself, and the other Cloth Joy guides easily in the Facebook group; we're always there to answer questions, offer support, and inform you of upcoming drops!

I look forward to interacting with you all and offering any help I can for your cloth journey!
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